Periodo de ejecución: 15/09/20 - 15/06/21
ParticipantesAlcázar-Ortega, Manuel (I.P.); Ribó-Pérez, David Gabriel
Investigación competitiva proyectos
Periodo de ejecución: 2003-2009
Entidad financiadoraComisión Europea (VI Programa Marco)
ParticipantesInvestigador principal: C. Álvarez y A. Pérez Navarro
The Birth of a European Distributed Energy Partnership That Will Help The Large Scale Implementation Of Distributed Energy Resources In EuropeThe Birth of a European Distributed Energy Partnership That Will Help The Large Scale Implementation Of Distributed Energy Resources In EuropeThe Birth of a European Distributed Energy Partnership That Will Help The Large Scale Implementation Of Distributed Energy Resources In EuropeThe Birth of a European Distributed Energy Partnership That Will Help The Large Scale Implementation Of Distributed Energy Resources In Europe